Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012


Utilization of Local Feed Resources to Develop Beef Cattle


1Loka Penelitian Sapi Potong, Grati, Pasuruan 67184
2Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Jawa Timur

Development of beef cattle in the future should be carried out through sustainable agribusiness approach. Beef cattle farming system should be modern and more professionally managed through application of technology innovation focusing on the aspect of business efficiency. It should also be supported by development of feed industry through optimal utilization of local specific feed material and integrated crops
livestock system orientation. There is a huge potential of local feed material obtained from agricultural and plantation waste, but still low in its utilization for feed. However, agro-industrial by products has been commonly used for feed by livestock raisers except those of various cake types. Complete feed technology is one of technologies to utilize the agro-industrial waste for ruminants feed through certain physical and processing technique and supplementation. The process includes cutting the material into small pieces, drying, milling/crushing, mixing the fibers and the liquid or solid concentrate, and packing. Utilization of agricultural and plantation waste available locally in combination with agro-industrial waste seems to be a promising effort in development of economical feed industry.
Key words: Local material, by product, complete feed, beef cattle

Still fragile in the feed industry Indonesia, one of which caused still high dependence on raw materials imports. This shortcoming needs to be addressed through self-sufficiency efforts sapronak main feed. The devastation caused by agribusiness poultry feeding problems during the monetary crisis should not let it happen again and overwrite the industry ruminants. The key lies in aspects of feed raw materials, so that the solution is through the efforts and efforts to improve food self-sufficiency quality of feed raw materials sourced fromlocal.
Development of beef cattle need to be serious concern given the demand for meatcan not be met in the country. Wrong An obstacle often encountered is low productivity of livestock because of the quality Low feed. On the other hand, the potential for material local raw feed such as agricultural waste and plantation has not been used optimal, and are mostly used as fuel, organic fertilizer and raw materials industry. Efforts can be made ​​to optimize the utilization of waste agriculture and plantations for animal feed can be achieved by improving the quality and plantation agricultural waste through fermentation technology, supplementation and manufacture of complete feed (complete feed).
Types of agricultural waste and plantation potential is seen from the quality Cereal crop straw. While the views of production of rice straw, leaves and shoots of sugar cane ranks first. Low quality of rice straw, leaves and shoots of sugar cane caused by selolusa and lignin content high, whereas the nutrient content, mineral essential vitamins and low. physical treatment can be done to improve the quality and plantation agricultural waste in a way expand the surface of feed and soften material texture. treatment includes cutting (choping), destruction, milling (grinding) and the manufacture of pellets. Biological treatment is one of the efforts lighten the work of rumen microbes. On This treatment of fiber materials have activity ensimatis by rumen microbes outside. Type microbes that can be used for hay among other fungi and yeasts.
Diversified utilization of byproducts (by-product) is often regarded as waste (waste) from the activities of agro-industry and biomass derived from agricultural waste and plantations to feed has led agribusiness development ruminants in integrated in a production system integrated with farming and plantation through biomass recycling-friendly environment or the well known "zero waste production system ".
Upstream sub-sector agribusiness development such as the feed industry is one supporting the development of beef cattle that will directly help solve the problems of the farmers in terms of sapronak. Reality on the ground shows there are still many farmers who without improvised feed attention to quality requirements, quantity and efficiency of administration. Consequently, productivity of livestock is not optimal, even many of the farmers who suffered losses due to inadequate feeding.
                Besides the large influence on the productivity of livestock, feed also is a considerable production cost in the cattle business. Thus, not only required to produce feed feasibility of the aspects of the quality and adequacy nutrition, but also how to produce the feed is economical, cheap and affordable by the ability of the breeder.

Complete feed made ​​from materials and plantation agricultural waste as sources of fiber such as peanut skins, soybean straw, corn cobs, sugar cane tops, etc.. Plus agro waste as a source namely energy pollard, rice bran, tapioca, drops, onggok, etc.. Ingredients protein sources such as copra meal, palm meal, expeller cotton seed oil / cotton, coffee skins, leather chocolate and urea. Equipped with the material source of minerals such as salt, zeolites,bone meal, mineral mix, etc..


Some understanding of the raw materials feed
1. Sources of fiber are materials that has a crude fiber content (SK)
≥ 18%, for example, agricultural waste, leather grain legumes etc..
2. Energy sources are materials that has a protein content of less than 20%
and crude fiber of less than 18% or cell wall is less than 35%, for example
grains, nuts, fruits, tubers and the rest of the mill waste.
3.   Protein source is material has a crude protein content ≥ 20% good material derived from tumbuhtumbuhan such as oil cakes, rice bran and derived from animals such as fish silage.
4.   Mineral resources are materials that contain enough minerals high, such as salt, limestone meal, fish meal, leather snail grit, grit shells and grit of fish skin.
5.   Sources of vitamins are substances that has a relatively high content of vitamins, such as food and umbi - umbian grained.
6.   Additional food are the ingredients certain that added to the rations, such as drugs, anti biotika, hormones, water, fragrances and substances.
 In the manufacture of complete feed calculated nutrient content of each constituent materials and the level of need nutrients from livestock fed. The composition of nutrients for cattle fattening will be different with the nursery. As reference in formulating feedstuffs from agricultural waste and plantation and agro-industry is the proportion of crude fiber and protein. Quality control is most actual and reliable is the biological laboratory with livestock on farm test. While the test material be physically and chemically and proximate analysis laboratory.

Nutritional composition of complete feed for purposes of fattening and breeding
different, especially in protein content rough and energy. To feed cattle, crude protein and energy content of more higher than for breeding. Nutrient composition is adjusted
needs of each animal and also price considerations. Feed prices for nurseries should be less expensive than the feed to fattening, because breeding longer time so that if the cost
pakannya expensive, it is less economical. Complete nutrient composition of feeds for fattening and breeding are listed in Table 4.
Table 1. Examples of the types of feed raw materials from agricultural waste and plantation and agro-industry wastes
Raw materials
group name
Agricultural waste and plantation
sugarcane shoots
skin soybean
sugarcane leaves
coffee leather
Soybean straw
Peanut skin
skin soybean
Peanut hay
corn corncob
brown leather
klobot corn
pineapple skin
skin cassava
rice straw

agro-industry wastes
dregs of ketchup
Wheat polard
Tumpi corn
Empok corn
rice bran
cake pagoda
Wheat flour rejects
oil cake
copra meal
Lees bakery
Peanut meal
dregs of beer
Sources: proximate analysis laboratory Lolit Cattle feed, Grati, Pasuruan

Table 2. Nutritional content of some feed ingredients from agricultural waste and plantation
Types of materials
BK (%)
PK (%)
LK (%)
SK (%)
TDN (%)
Rice straw
Soybean hay
Peanut hay
Green bean straw
Bean straw
Straw Komang
Peanut hay Otok
Skin of soybean hay
Fresh corn straw
Skin soy
Leather coffee
Peanut skins
Skin kapok (pagoda)
Klobot corn
Sugarcane shoots

Table 3. Nutritional content of some feed ingredients from agro waste
Type of goods             BK (%)            PK (%)             LK (%)            SK (%)         TDN (%)
Pulp                             10,788                         25,651                         5,317               14,527                     76,000
Soy sauce lees             85,430                         36,381                         17,816                         17,861                       89,553
Beer dregs                    31,174                         26,448                         10,254                         7,059             78,708
Brem dregs                  81,634                         3,150               2,120                2,100           55,826
Liquid sugar dregs       34,314                         5,106               6,237               8,014             54,956
Copra meal                  90,557                         27,597                         11,903                          6,853           75,333
Cake pagoda                89,693                         30,827                         3,813               8,697             78,005
Palm cake                    92,524                         14,112                         11,903                         10,772                       67,435
Peanut meal                 91,447                         36,397                         17,24               20,895                       71,721
Soybean meal              89,413             52,075                        1,011               25,528                       40,265
Coconut cake               84,767                         26,632                         10,399                         14,711                       73,403
Tengkuang cake           88,980                         12,730                          8,630              4,607             76,770
Rice bran                     91,267                          9,960             2,320              18,513                       55,521
Wheat bran / pollar      89,567                         16,412                         4,007               5,862             74,828
Corn bran / empok       84,980                         9,379               5,591               0,577             81,835
Soybean bs                  85,430                         38,380                         4,840               17,810                       69,950
Molasses (drops)          50,232             8,500                 -                       -                  63,000
Dry onggok                  90,170                         2,839               0,676               8,264             77,249
Tumpi soy                   91,417                         21,134                         3,029               23,179                        69,425
Tumpi corn                  87,385                         8,657               0,532               21,297                       48,475
Cassava flour bs          87,024                         2,412               0,792               8,950              73,489
Sources: Lolit Cattle feed, Sources: proximate analysis laboratory Grati, Pasuruan

Table 4. Nutritional composition of complete feed for fattening and breeding
This type of complete feed
This type of complete feed (%)

The results of proximate analysis (in%)
crude protein
crude fat
crude fiber
The ash content
Sources: WAHYONO 2001


Mill rollers and the last process Technology / how to manufacture animal feed can carried out through processing with machines small scale that can be implemented at the level of farmer groups. Procedure manufacture of animal feed use agricultural waste materials and waste agro-industries are as follows:
a. Fiber source materials cut into pieces with cutting tools (choper) with size 0.5-1cm, then dried by using a heating beam sun or heaters to water content of 10-12%.
b. The ingredients are mixed energy sources in the mixer / mixer together with a solution of molasses until evenly distributed.
c. The whole of these materials further milled with a milling (grinding)
or Hamer mill and added urea, salt, and bone meal to small particle size and evenly mixed or homogeneous. Once mixed, the materials is packaged in sacks been prepared in accordance with the size of the weight with the desired.
Agricultural waste treatment technologies and agro-industry waste into feed complete is one attempt to increase both the value of such waste processing method comprising:
1)   Treatment of enumeration (chopping) for changing the particle size and soften
      texture of materials in order to consume more livestock efficient.
2)  The treatment of drying (drying) with hot sun or a dryer to lower the moisture        content of materials.
3)   The process of blending (mixing) with using a mixing device (mixer) and treatment with tool grinding Hammer packaging.

Case 1: Program of feed for beef cattle territory of East Sumba, NTT
 Province of East Sumba East is estimated to have potential raw material source of fiber reaches 1,136,565 tons / year, energy resources amounting to 2,555,430 tons / year, a source of protein for 24 023 tons / year, and mineral resources of 630 tons / year (Hardianto, 2004). source material fiber, such as rice straw, soybean straw, maize straw produced in almost all districts, while the waste generally produced by the local agro-industry
Waingapu around town. The types of feed potential to be developed based on
availability of raw materials and market potential is concentrated, complete feed and the source fiber. Estimation of feed requirements based on ruminant livestock population is estimated to concentrate 10,850 tons / year, complete feed ± 88,560 tons / year and source of fiber ± 29 150 tons / year. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies
feed, supplementation is still needed in the form the addition of high quality materials
to supplement the nutritional deficiencies of waste agriculture.  Complete is one alternative that chosen to support the provision of feed throughout the year. Components of raw materials still need to be imported from outside the region between another source of protein, fats and vitamins. Long-term program to support
increased potential for local raw materials and guarantee the sustainability of food production processes, then the development effort required strategic crops such as cassava and maize widely in Sumba Regency East. Also necessary to gradually developed investment in agro-industries processing of cassava and maize for produce a flour product as a product main, and wastes are used for support the production of feed. some examples feed raw materials available in the region East Sumba derived from waste agriculture and agro-industry waste presented in Table 5.
In planning the production aspects,  previously need to know information about
the types of feed to be produced, such as concentrate, a source of fiber, or a complete feed combination. In addition, to find out adequate production capacity in a region, the potential market feed products as well need to know based on the needs of livestock that exist in the region. Estimated feed products based on market potential ruminant population in a region.
Estimates of potential market feed products based on the number of ruminant population in East Sumba region is estimated at 10,850 tonnes to concentrate, 88,560 tons for complete feed, and 29,150 tons for the source  replacement of grass fiber each year (Table 6).
Of the potential needs of the feed in above which are covered by the manufacturers of feed locally only in the form of rice bran estimated amount of use about 5,000 tons / year, mainly used additional food for cattle, horses and pigs, whereas feed complete feed, concentrate and a source of fiber has not been produced in the area of  ​​East Sumba. Forage source of fiber can also be used as raw material complete feed with feed manufacturing plus concentrates, or for food resources replacement of grass at the time ranchers experiencing difficulty or lack of grasses, especially in the dry season.
Cheaper to support the feeding program development of beef cattle is Sumba East Sumba Ongole suggested attention to the availability of local raw materials
existing and supplementing with raw materials from outside the area. In order to feed prices produced can be cheap but the quality according to the expected standards, then the strategy feed manufacturing is done by combines local raw materials with starter feed imported from East Java. Composition of local materials with starter feed ranged between 60% - 40% of local materials and starter feed. Composition it has considered the cost aspects raw materials, transport costs, the cost of processing as well as the feasibility and feed nutrients.
Processing activities carried out in the City Waingapu by investing equipment and machinery with a production capacity 20 tons/ha. Schematically the feeding program cheap for East Sumba listed on Figure 1.

Table 5. Some raw materials are available in the area of ​​East Sumba
material group
Name of raw materials
Agricultural waste, animal husbandry and fishery Rice straw
Peanut hay
corn corncob
Peanut skin
Agro-industry and mining waste
rice bran

Table 6. Estimation of feed requirements based on livestock population in the region of East Sumba
Type of livestock
Number of population (tail)
Feed requirements per year (tons)
complete feed
source of fiber
Beef cattle
The number

·         Total consumption of concentrates to cows stem ± 2 kg. / head / day with a duration of about 8 months (the elderly and pregnant and lactating)
·         Total consumption of concentrates for beef cattle ± 2 kg / head / day for 4 months duration of administration (the feedlot)
·          Total consumption of fiber sources for beef cattle 5 kg / head / day with a duration of administration for 3-5 months (dry season)
·          Complete Total consumption of feed for sheep / goat 1 kg / head / day with a duration of administration for 3 months (feedlot) and 6 months (breeding)
·          Total consumption of complete feed for cattle and horses 6-8 kg / head / day
·         Total consumption of complete feed for pigs 3 kg / head / day

Sources: Hardianto (2004)
Oval: SUMBA TIMUROval: JATIM                                                                               

Cassava (Rp300, -/kg)
Corn cobs (Rp100, -/kg)
Minerals (Rp80, -/kg)
Source of fiber (125, -/kg
Tumpi corn (Rp80, -/kg)
Kapok cake (650, -/kg)
Copra meal (Rp750, -/kg)
Drops (Rp500/kg)
Pro-rich (400, -/kg)
Vit-rich (Rp525, -/kg)
                                                 40%                                                                                                                        60%                                                                                        
(Rp 450/kg)
Complete feed
(Rp 450/kg)
Rp 150/kg
Rp 500/kg
(Rp 60/kg)
(Rp 25/kg)

Rp 150/kg


Figure 1. CF feed production scenarios for East Sumba
Sources: DIWYANTO et al. (2003)

Case 2: Program of feed for beef cattle Java and Bali
Availability of raw material feed in the region Java, East Java in particular is quite complete, but the main priority of raw materials selected is the availability abundant and cheap and has a complete nutrition. as an illustration about the types and prices of raw materials the feed is located in East Java listed in Table 7.
Table 7. The type and price range of a few feed raw materials locally in the Java 2003 East
Name of material                                                     price range(Rp / Kg)
Rice straw                                                                                50-75
Soybean straw                                                                                     100-125
Peanut hay                                                                               100-125
Corn leaf                                                                                 90-125
Sugarcane shoots                                                                     100-150
Corn corncob                                                                           50-75
Peanut skin                                                                              100-150
Skin soybean                                                                           125-150
Leather coffee                                                                                     150-175
Skin cassava                                                                            75-100
Rice bran                                                                                 450-600
Leaf lamtoro                                                                            200-250
dried cassava                                                                           400-500
Gamblong                                                                                300-350
Drops / molasses                                                                      450-500
Bagasse                                                                                    125-150
Soy sauce lees                                                                                     450-500
Tumpi corn                                                                              85-100
Eggshell                                                                                   250-300
shells                                                                                       400-500
Kapok cake                                                                             600-650
copra meal                                                                               750-800
Brown leather                                                                          200-225
Salt                                                                                          750-850    
Sources: Wahyono et al. (2003)
Price mentioned above in the form of dry material
Scenario production of complete feed feed for the P. Java and Bali are listed in Figure 2. Of scenarios can be seen that the feed to be distributed on the Island Java and Bali sufficiently produced in East Java (Pasuruan), because the availability of raw materials, labor wage rates and material prices The most appropriate standard for producing activities feed. In addition, transport costs between provinces in Java and Bali are still within the limits that can be tolerated.
Plant capacity to serve the needs of feed complete feed in Java and Bali designed around 50-100 tons / day. With model scenario in Figure 2, the range complete feed feed prices in Java West approximately Rp. 600/kg, Central Java, Rp. 550/kg, East Java, Rp. 400/kg and for Bali region Rp. 550/kg.

Case 3: Program the feed of beef cattle sugarcane waste based on the PG Jatitujuh

Feed raw material resources in the vicinity PG.Jatitujuh has the potential for very large agribusiness farms through development of sugarcane-livestock integration systems and feed industry by optimizing land, sugar cane waste and industrial by-product sugar. HGU land managed PG.Jatitujuh ± 12,000 hectares covering 11 villages surrounded by in two districts namely District Indramayu and Majalengka. PG.Jatitujuh has the potential to produce materials standard to be processed into a complete feed (complete feed) of sugarcane waste (shoots and leaves of sugar cane), waste processing sugar (drops / molasses, pith) and bagasse. Thus, if this potential optimized, the question of shortage feed can be overcome.
Development of livestock, sugar cane feed industry in this integrative expected to have a positive impact both to the progress of agribusiness cattle, the region cane plantation and public economic eking a living from the livestock sector around the area of ​​the garden cane Jatitujuh PG. Development of sugarcane-livestock integration system is a concerted effort across sub-sectors a strategic and value one another advantageous because it will encourage realization of the development of agribusiness farms and plantations are powerless competitiveness. Agribusiness development vision
plantation in the future is to realize plantation system and an efficient, productive and highly competitive for overall prosperity of the people in equitable and sustainable world through management of local resources optimally. Some of the reasons why it needs to be developed pattern of integration of livestock in the cane-PG Jatitujuh
among others: a). plantation business monoculture / single product vulnerable to
various risks, b). to meet the needs of plant nutrients from artificial fertilizers increasingly expensive, so substitution with fertilizer organic would reduce costs and
improve soil fertility, c). draft animals can be used to transport the certain activities. At the micro scale, cane-livestock integration will provide reciprocal benefits and add
earnings for both companies and surrounding community, through the sale of livestock, crops and livestock waste, provide additional employment, as well as support the sustainability of crop farming sugarcane and cattle.
In the development of systems integration livestock in the cane-PG Jatitujuh, equipped with its feed industry through waste treatment sugarcane and sugar industry by product. Independence in the procurement feed deemed essential to support the process changes in the way of the pattern of farming community herded into cages. Potential biomass as a source of fiber and waste byproduct of sugar industry in the region PG Jatitujuh listed in Figure 3.
 Conducted in an integrated development and gradually with the participation communities in targeted areas. activities initiated with the procurement of cutting tools (chopper) to process the leaves of sugarcane as a source fiber. Cutting tools operated by group of farmers who had cultivated during the in 7 villages (Desa sources, Swamp Bolang, Pilangsari, Babajurang, Jatiraga, Sukamulya, and pan) with a credit system. Feed starter / concentrates produced by PG.Jatitujuh as a compound leaf of sugarcane for supplements. Comparison of composition between starter feed sugar cane leaves with adjustable with the standard requirements of livestock. To breeding objective comparison of the source of fiber (sugar cane leaves): starter feed between 8:2; while for fattening source of fiber: starter feed between 6: 4.

Material composition:
Oval: JATIM                                               
Tumpi corn (Rp 80/kg)
Kapok cake (Rp 650/kg)
Copra meal (Rp 750/kg)
Drops (Rp 500/kg)
Pro-rich (Rp 400/kg)
Vit-rich (Rp 525/kg)
Bagasse (Rp 125/kg)
Pith (USD 70/kg)
Peanut shells (Rp 150/kg)
Leather coffee (Rp 170/kg)
Shoots of sugar cane (Rp 150/kg)
Soybean hay (Rp 125/kg)
Peanut hay (Rp 125/kg

Prosesing (Rp 60/kg)
Packaging (Rp 25/kg)
Rp 400/kg
Rp 550/kg
Rp 600/kg

Complete feed
Complete feed
Complete feed

Figure 2. CF feed production scenarios for the island of Java and Bali

Mulch (5%)
Wafer (exported)

Sugar (52 thousand tons)

Pulp (228 thousand tons)
Drops (29 thousand tons)
Blotong (26 thousand tons)


Figure 3. The potential of biomass and waste in the sugar industry Jatitujuh PG
Sources: DJOENTORO et al. (2004)
Target group of farmers who already have the tools to take advantage of chopper dry sugar cane leaves in the garden PG Jatitujuh appropriate advice and technical guidance of officers PG.Jatitujuh. The sugar cane leaves cut into pieces and packed in sacks to be stored, then can mixed with the starter when farmers feed will give to the animals according to the formula above. The number of leaves of sugarcane and starter feed adjusted by the number of processed livestock and feed requirements for each group.
1.      Technology development of feed for support agribusiness in beef cattle patterns of crop-livestock integration should considering the condition of AEZ and availability of local feed resources local. Choice of technological innovation should be able to integrate the various potentials, opportunities and interests of each region so as to improve competitiveness, sustainable and able to respond market dynamics.
2.      Complete feed Technology (complete feed) that utilize local raw materials specific locations as an alternative to "feeding strategy "has been ready to apply extensively in various conditions of AEZ and area.
3.      Some of the benefits of the development of feed based on local raw materials such as pricing cheaper with quality standards, easily in the collection of raw materials and product distribution, value-added of food processing activities obtained farmers directly, and can embryo growing business agroinput on small and medium scale enterprises in areas of beef cattle production centers.


FARM SERVICE DISTRICT EAST SUMBA. 2003. Study reports the utilization of waste agriculture and agro-industry waste as animal feed raw materials in complete feed
East Sumba. Cooperation Office East Sumba farms with PT Prima Feed Pasuruan.

DJOENTORO, SRIRANTO, R. Hardianto and D.E. Wahyono. 2004. development integration sugarcane, cattle-feed industry in the system sugar production with zero waste in the pattern of PG Jatitujuh. Workshop on development of the area livestock industry with systems integration cane-livestock in order to increase power competitiveness of farm products. Cooperation Directorate General of Livestock Production with PT PG Rajawali II Cirebon.

DIWYANTO K., Didiek E. Wahyono and Ruly Hardianto. 2003. program development
local agribusiness and beef cattle feed cheap to improve market competitiveness (Study
Sumba Ongole cow case in the island of Sumba). Papers Rapim AARD. Research and Development Center Animal Husbandry, Bogor.

Hardianto, R. 2004. Development Potential Study Feed Industry From Local Raw Materials in East Sumba. papers in  National Seminar on Innovation and Technology Institutional Sustainability. Assessment Center Agricultural Technology in East Java, Malang.

Hardianto, R. 2004. System Development Cane-Livestock Integration-Integrated Feed Industry Through the Partnership Program and Community Development PG Jatitujuh environment in Cirebon. Papers in the National Seminar on Technological Innovation and Institutional Sustainability. Hall East Java Agricultural Technology, Malang.

Wahyono, D.E., R. Hardianto, C. Anam, D.B. Wijono, T. Purwanto and M. MALIK. 2003. This strategy of using agricultural wastes and agro-industry for the manufacture of complete feed ruminants. National Seminar Papers Beef Cattle Development, Lembang, Java West. Research and Development Center Livestock, AARD, Bogor.

Wahyono, D.E. 2001. technology assessment complete feed the sheep. Pros. Result Farming Systems Research and Assessment at East Java. Center of Technology Assessment Karangploso Agriculture, Malang.


Does the business conducted by cattle breeders with a tail number of maintenance
still profitable? Should not be a group effort?
Still profitable, provided that the cost of cheap cattle feed. This can be done by
feed created in groups, so cheap.
Utilization of Local Feed Resources to Develop Beef Cattle


1Loka Penelitian Sapi Potong, Grati, Pasuruan 67184
2Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Jawa Timur

Development of beef cattle in the future should be carried out through sustainable agribusiness approach. Beef cattle farming system should be modern and more professionally managed through application of technology innovation focusing on the aspect of business efficiency. It should also be supported by development of feed industry through optimal utilization of local specific feed material and integrated crops
livestock system orientation. There is a huge potential of local feed material obtained from agricultural and plantation waste, but still low in its utilization for feed. However, agro-industrial by products has been commonly used for feed by livestock raisers except those of various cake types. Complete feed technology is one of technologies to utilize the agro-industrial waste for ruminants feed through certain physical and processing technique and supplementation. The process includes cutting the material into small pieces, drying, milling/crushing, mixing the fibers and the liquid or solid concentrate, and packing. Utilization of agricultural and plantation waste available locally in combination with agro-industrial waste seems to be a promising effort in development of economical feed industry.
Key words: Local material, by product, complete feed, beef cattle

Still fragile in the feed industry Indonesia, one of which caused still high dependence on raw materials imports. This shortcoming needs to be addressed through self-sufficiency efforts sapronak main feed. The devastation caused by agribusiness poultry feeding problems during the monetary crisis should not let it happen again and overwrite the industry ruminants. The key lies in aspects of feed raw materials, so that the solution is through the efforts and efforts to improve food self-sufficiency quality of feed raw materials sourced fromlocal.
Development of beef cattle need to be serious concern given the demand for meatcan not be met in the country. Wrong An obstacle often encountered is low productivity of livestock because of the quality Low feed. On the other hand, the potential for material local raw feed such as agricultural waste and plantation has not been used optimal, and are mostly used as fuel, organic fertilizer and raw materials industry. Efforts can be made ​​to optimize the utilization of waste agriculture and plantations for animal feed can be achieved by improving the quality and plantation agricultural waste through fermentation technology, supplementation and manufacture of complete feed (complete feed).
Types of agricultural waste and plantation potential is seen from the quality Cereal crop straw. While the views of production of rice straw, leaves and shoots of sugar cane ranks first. Low quality of rice straw, leaves and shoots of sugar cane caused by selolusa and lignin content high, whereas the nutrient content, mineral essential vitamins and low. physical treatment can be done to improve the quality and plantation agricultural waste in a way expand the surface of feed and soften material texture. treatment includes cutting (choping), destruction, milling (grinding) and the manufacture of pellets. Biological treatment is one of the efforts lighten the work of rumen microbes. On This treatment of fiber materials have activity ensimatis by rumen microbes outside. Type microbes that can be used for hay among other fungi and yeasts.
Diversified utilization of byproducts (by-product) is often regarded as waste (waste) from the activities of agro-industry and biomass derived from agricultural waste and plantations to feed has led agribusiness development ruminants in integrated in a production system integrated with farming and plantation through biomass recycling-friendly environment or the well known "zero waste production system ".
Upstream sub-sector agribusiness development such as the feed industry is one supporting the development of beef cattle that will directly help solve the problems of the farmers in terms of sapronak. Reality on the ground shows there are still many farmers who without improvised feed attention to quality requirements, quantity and efficiency of administration. Consequently, productivity of livestock is not optimal, even many of the farmers who suffered losses due to inadequate feeding.
                Besides the large influence on the productivity of livestock, feed also is a considerable production cost in the cattle business. Thus, not only required to produce feed feasibility of the aspects of the quality and adequacy nutrition, but also how to produce the feed is economical, cheap and affordable by the ability of the breeder.

Complete feed made ​​from materials and plantation agricultural waste as sources of fiber such as peanut skins, soybean straw, corn cobs, sugar cane tops, etc.. Plus agro waste as a source namely energy pollard, rice bran, tapioca, drops, onggok, etc.. Ingredients protein sources such as copra meal, palm meal, expeller cotton seed oil / cotton, coffee skins, leather chocolate and urea. Equipped with the material source of minerals such as salt, zeolites,bone meal, mineral mix, etc..


Some understanding of the raw materials feed
1. Sources of fiber are materials that has a crude fiber content (SK)
≥ 18%, for example, agricultural waste, leather grain legumes etc..
2. Energy sources are materials that has a protein content of less than 20%
and crude fiber of less than 18% or cell wall is less than 35%, for example
grains, nuts, fruits, tubers and the rest of the mill waste.
3.   Protein source is material has a crude protein content ≥ 20% good material derived from tumbuhtumbuhan such as oil cakes, rice bran and derived from animals such as fish silage.
4.   Mineral resources are materials that contain enough minerals high, such as salt, limestone meal, fish meal, leather snail grit, grit shells and grit of fish skin.
5.   Sources of vitamins are substances that has a relatively high content of vitamins, such as food and umbi - umbian grained.
6.   Additional food are the ingredients certain that added to the rations, such as drugs, anti biotika, hormones, water, fragrances and substances.
 In the manufacture of complete feed calculated nutrient content of each constituent materials and the level of need nutrients from livestock fed. The composition of nutrients for cattle fattening will be different with the nursery. As reference in formulating feedstuffs from agricultural waste and plantation and agro-industry is the proportion of crude fiber and protein. Quality control is most actual and reliable is the biological laboratory with livestock on farm test. While the test material be physically and chemically and proximate analysis laboratory.

Nutritional composition of complete feed for purposes of fattening and breeding
different, especially in protein content rough and energy. To feed cattle, crude protein and energy content of more higher than for breeding. Nutrient composition is adjusted
needs of each animal and also price considerations. Feed prices for nurseries should be less expensive than the feed to fattening, because breeding longer time so that if the cost
pakannya expensive, it is less economical. Complete nutrient composition of feeds for fattening and breeding are listed in Table 4.
Table 1. Examples of the types of feed raw materials from agricultural waste and plantation and agro-industry wastes
Raw materials
group name
Agricultural waste and plantation
sugarcane shoots
skin soybean
sugarcane leaves
coffee leather
Soybean straw
Peanut skin
skin soybean
Peanut hay
corn corncob
brown leather
klobot corn
pineapple skin
skin cassava
rice straw

agro-industry wastes
dregs of ketchup
Wheat polard
Tumpi corn
Empok corn
rice bran
cake pagoda
Wheat flour rejects
oil cake
copra meal
Lees bakery
Peanut meal
dregs of beer
Sources: proximate analysis laboratory Lolit Cattle feed, Grati, Pasuruan

Table 2. Nutritional content of some feed ingredients from agricultural waste and plantation
Types of materials
BK (%)
PK (%)
LK (%)
SK (%)
TDN (%)
Rice straw
Soybean hay
Peanut hay
Green bean straw
Bean straw
Straw Komang
Peanut hay Otok
Skin of soybean hay
Fresh corn straw
Skin soy
Leather coffee
Peanut skins
Skin kapok (pagoda)
Klobot corn
Sugarcane shoots

Table 3. Nutritional content of some feed ingredients from agro waste
Type of goods             BK (%)            PK (%)             LK (%)            SK (%)         TDN (%)
Pulp                             10,788                         25,651                         5,317               14,527                     76,000
Soy sauce lees             85,430                         36,381                         17,816                         17,861                       89,553
Beer dregs                    31,174                         26,448                         10,254                         7,059             78,708
Brem dregs                  81,634                         3,150               2,120                2,100           55,826
Liquid sugar dregs       34,314                         5,106               6,237               8,014             54,956
Copra meal                  90,557                         27,597                         11,903                          6,853           75,333
Cake pagoda                89,693                         30,827                         3,813               8,697             78,005
Palm cake                    92,524                         14,112                         11,903                         10,772                       67,435
Peanut meal                 91,447                         36,397                         17,24               20,895                       71,721
Soybean meal              89,413             52,075                        1,011               25,528                       40,265
Coconut cake               84,767                         26,632                         10,399                         14,711                       73,403
Tengkuang cake           88,980                         12,730                          8,630              4,607             76,770
Rice bran                     91,267                          9,960             2,320              18,513                       55,521
Wheat bran / pollar      89,567                         16,412                         4,007               5,862             74,828
Corn bran / empok       84,980                         9,379               5,591               0,577             81,835
Soybean bs                  85,430                         38,380                         4,840               17,810                       69,950
Molasses (drops)          50,232             8,500                 -                       -                  63,000
Dry onggok                  90,170                         2,839               0,676               8,264             77,249
Tumpi soy                   91,417                         21,134                         3,029               23,179                        69,425
Tumpi corn                  87,385                         8,657               0,532               21,297                       48,475
Cassava flour bs          87,024                         2,412               0,792               8,950              73,489
Sources: Lolit Cattle feed, Sources: proximate analysis laboratory Grati, Pasuruan

Table 4. Nutritional composition of complete feed for fattening and breeding
This type of complete feed
This type of complete feed (%)

The results of proximate analysis (in%)
crude protein
crude fat
crude fiber
The ash content
Sources: WAHYONO 2001


Mill rollers and the last process Technology / how to manufacture animal feed can carried out through processing with machines small scale that can be implemented at the level of farmer groups. Procedure manufacture of animal feed use agricultural waste materials and waste agro-industries are as follows:
a. Fiber source materials cut into pieces with cutting tools (choper) with size 0.5-1cm, then dried by using a heating beam sun or heaters to water content of 10-12%.
b. The ingredients are mixed energy sources in the mixer / mixer together with a solution of molasses until evenly distributed.
c. The whole of these materials further milled with a milling (grinding)
or Hamer mill and added urea, salt, and bone meal to small particle size and evenly mixed or homogeneous. Once mixed, the materials is packaged in sacks been prepared in accordance with the size of the weight with the desired.
Agricultural waste treatment technologies and agro-industry waste into feed complete is one attempt to increase both the value of such waste processing method comprising:
1)   Treatment of enumeration (chopping) for changing the particle size and soften
      texture of materials in order to consume more livestock efficient.
2)  The treatment of drying (drying) with hot sun or a dryer to lower the moisture        content of materials.
3)   The process of blending (mixing) with using a mixing device (mixer) and treatment with tool grinding Hammer packaging.

Case 1: Program of feed for beef cattle territory of East Sumba, NTT
 Province of East Sumba East is estimated to have potential raw material source of fiber reaches 1,136,565 tons / year, energy resources amounting to 2,555,430 tons / year, a source of protein for 24 023 tons / year, and mineral resources of 630 tons / year (Hardianto, 2004). source material fiber, such as rice straw, soybean straw, maize straw produced in almost all districts, while the waste generally produced by the local agro-industry
Waingapu around town. The types of feed potential to be developed based on
availability of raw materials and market potential is concentrated, complete feed and the source fiber. Estimation of feed requirements based on ruminant livestock population is estimated to concentrate 10,850 tons / year, complete feed ± 88,560 tons / year and source of fiber ± 29 150 tons / year. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies
feed, supplementation is still needed in the form the addition of high quality materials
to supplement the nutritional deficiencies of waste agriculture.  Complete is one alternative that chosen to support the provision of feed throughout the year. Components of raw materials still need to be imported from outside the region between another source of protein, fats and vitamins. Long-term program to support
increased potential for local raw materials and guarantee the sustainability of food production processes, then the development effort required strategic crops such as cassava and maize widely in Sumba Regency East. Also necessary to gradually developed investment in agro-industries processing of cassava and maize for produce a flour product as a product main, and wastes are used for support the production of feed. some examples feed raw materials available in the region East Sumba derived from waste agriculture and agro-industry waste presented in Table 5.
In planning the production aspects,  previously need to know information about
the types of feed to be produced, such as concentrate, a source of fiber, or a complete feed combination. In addition, to find out adequate production capacity in a region, the potential market feed products as well need to know based on the needs of livestock that exist in the region. Estimated feed products based on market potential ruminant population in a region.
Estimates of potential market feed products based on the number of ruminant population in East Sumba region is estimated at 10,850 tonnes to concentrate, 88,560 tons for complete feed, and 29,150 tons for the source  replacement of grass fiber each year (Table 6).
Of the potential needs of the feed in above which are covered by the manufacturers of feed locally only in the form of rice bran estimated amount of use about 5,000 tons / year, mainly used additional food for cattle, horses and pigs, whereas feed complete feed, concentrate and a source of fiber has not been produced in the area of  ​​East Sumba. Forage source of fiber can also be used as raw material complete feed with feed manufacturing plus concentrates, or for food resources replacement of grass at the time ranchers experiencing difficulty or lack of grasses, especially in the dry season.
Cheaper to support the feeding program development of beef cattle is Sumba East Sumba Ongole suggested attention to the availability of local raw materials
existing and supplementing with raw materials from outside the area. In order to feed prices produced can be cheap but the quality according to the expected standards, then the strategy feed manufacturing is done by combines local raw materials with starter feed imported from East Java. Composition of local materials with starter feed ranged between 60% - 40% of local materials and starter feed. Composition it has considered the cost aspects raw materials, transport costs, the cost of processing as well as the feasibility and feed nutrients.
Processing activities carried out in the City Waingapu by investing equipment and machinery with a production capacity 20 tons/ha. Schematically the feeding program cheap for East Sumba listed on Figure 1.

Table 5. Some raw materials are available in the area of ​​East Sumba
material group
Name of raw materials
Agricultural waste, animal husbandry and fishery Rice straw
Peanut hay
corn corncob
Peanut skin
Agro-industry and mining waste
rice bran

Table 6. Estimation of feed requirements based on livestock population in the region of East Sumba
Type of livestock
Number of population (tail)
Feed requirements per year (tons)
complete feed
source of fiber
Beef cattle
The number

·         Total consumption of concentrates to cows stem ± 2 kg. / head / day with a duration of about 8 months (the elderly and pregnant and lactating)
·         Total consumption of concentrates for beef cattle ± 2 kg / head / day for 4 months duration of administration (the feedlot)
·          Total consumption of fiber sources for beef cattle 5 kg / head / day with a duration of administration for 3-5 months (dry season)
·          Complete Total consumption of feed for sheep / goat 1 kg / head / day with a duration of administration for 3 months (feedlot) and 6 months (breeding)
·          Total consumption of complete feed for cattle and horses 6-8 kg / head / day
·         Total consumption of complete feed for pigs 3 kg / head / day

Sources: Hardianto (2004)
Oval: SUMBA TIMUROval: JATIM                                                                               

Cassava (Rp300, -/kg)
Corn cobs (Rp100, -/kg)
Minerals (Rp80, -/kg)
Source of fiber (125, -/kg
Tumpi corn (Rp80, -/kg)
Kapok cake (650, -/kg)
Copra meal (Rp750, -/kg)
Drops (Rp500/kg)
Pro-rich (400, -/kg)
Vit-rich (Rp525, -/kg)
                                                 40%                                                                                                                        60%                                                                                        
(Rp 450/kg)
Complete feed
(Rp 450/kg)
Rp 150/kg
Rp 500/kg
(Rp 60/kg)
(Rp 25/kg)

Rp 150/kg


Figure 1. CF feed production scenarios for East Sumba
Sources: DIWYANTO et al. (2003)

Case 2: Program of feed for beef cattle Java and Bali
Availability of raw material feed in the region Java, East Java in particular is quite complete, but the main priority of raw materials selected is the availability abundant and cheap and has a complete nutrition. as an illustration about the types and prices of raw materials the feed is located in East Java listed in Table 7.
Table 7. The type and price range of a few feed raw materials locally in the Java 2003 East
Name of material                                                     price range(Rp / Kg)
Rice straw                                                                                50-75
Soybean straw                                                                                     100-125
Peanut hay                                                                               100-125
Corn leaf                                                                                 90-125
Sugarcane shoots                                                                     100-150
Corn corncob                                                                           50-75
Peanut skin                                                                              100-150
Skin soybean                                                                           125-150
Leather coffee                                                                                     150-175
Skin cassava                                                                            75-100
Rice bran                                                                                 450-600
Leaf lamtoro                                                                            200-250
dried cassava                                                                           400-500
Gamblong                                                                                300-350
Drops / molasses                                                                      450-500
Bagasse                                                                                    125-150
Soy sauce lees                                                                                     450-500
Tumpi corn                                                                              85-100
Eggshell                                                                                   250-300
shells                                                                                       400-500
Kapok cake                                                                             600-650
copra meal                                                                               750-800
Brown leather                                                                          200-225
Salt                                                                                          750-850    
Sources: Wahyono et al. (2003)
Price mentioned above in the form of dry material
Scenario production of complete feed feed for the P. Java and Bali are listed in Figure 2. Of scenarios can be seen that the feed to be distributed on the Island Java and Bali sufficiently produced in East Java (Pasuruan), because the availability of raw materials, labor wage rates and material prices The most appropriate standard for producing activities feed. In addition, transport costs between provinces in Java and Bali are still within the limits that can be tolerated.
Plant capacity to serve the needs of feed complete feed in Java and Bali designed around 50-100 tons / day. With model scenario in Figure 2, the range complete feed feed prices in Java West approximately Rp. 600/kg, Central Java, Rp. 550/kg, East Java, Rp. 400/kg and for Bali region Rp. 550/kg.

Case 3: Program the feed of beef cattle sugarcane waste based on the PG Jatitujuh

Feed raw material resources in the vicinity PG.Jatitujuh has the potential for very large agribusiness farms through development of sugarcane-livestock integration systems and feed industry by optimizing land, sugar cane waste and industrial by-product sugar. HGU land managed PG.Jatitujuh ± 12,000 hectares covering 11 villages surrounded by in two districts namely District Indramayu and Majalengka. PG.Jatitujuh has the potential to produce materials standard to be processed into a complete feed (complete feed) of sugarcane waste (shoots and leaves of sugar cane), waste processing sugar (drops / molasses, pith) and bagasse. Thus, if this potential optimized, the question of shortage feed can be overcome.
Development of livestock, sugar cane feed industry in this integrative expected to have a positive impact both to the progress of agribusiness cattle, the region cane plantation and public economic eking a living from the livestock sector around the area of ​​the garden cane Jatitujuh PG. Development of sugarcane-livestock integration system is a concerted effort across sub-sectors a strategic and value one another advantageous because it will encourage realization of the development of agribusiness farms and plantations are powerless competitiveness. Agribusiness development vision
plantation in the future is to realize plantation system and an efficient, productive and highly competitive for overall prosperity of the people in equitable and sustainable world through management of local resources optimally. Some of the reasons why it needs to be developed pattern of integration of livestock in the cane-PG Jatitujuh
among others: a). plantation business monoculture / single product vulnerable to
various risks, b). to meet the needs of plant nutrients from artificial fertilizers increasingly expensive, so substitution with fertilizer organic would reduce costs and
improve soil fertility, c). draft animals can be used to transport the certain activities. At the micro scale, cane-livestock integration will provide reciprocal benefits and add
earnings for both companies and surrounding community, through the sale of livestock, crops and livestock waste, provide additional employment, as well as support the sustainability of crop farming sugarcane and cattle.
In the development of systems integration livestock in the cane-PG Jatitujuh, equipped with its feed industry through waste treatment sugarcane and sugar industry by product. Independence in the procurement feed deemed essential to support the process changes in the way of the pattern of farming community herded into cages. Potential biomass as a source of fiber and waste byproduct of sugar industry in the region PG Jatitujuh listed in Figure 3.
 Conducted in an integrated development and gradually with the participation communities in targeted areas. activities initiated with the procurement of cutting tools (chopper) to process the leaves of sugarcane as a source fiber. Cutting tools operated by group of farmers who had cultivated during the in 7 villages (Desa sources, Swamp Bolang, Pilangsari, Babajurang, Jatiraga, Sukamulya, and pan) with a credit system. Feed starter / concentrates produced by PG.Jatitujuh as a compound leaf of sugarcane for supplements. Comparison of composition between starter feed sugar cane leaves with adjustable with the standard requirements of livestock. To breeding objective comparison of the source of fiber (sugar cane leaves): starter feed between 8:2; while for fattening source of fiber: starter feed between 6: 4.

Material composition:
Oval: JATIM                                               
Tumpi corn (Rp 80/kg)
Kapok cake (Rp 650/kg)
Copra meal (Rp 750/kg)
Drops (Rp 500/kg)
Pro-rich (Rp 400/kg)
Vit-rich (Rp 525/kg)
Bagasse (Rp 125/kg)
Pith (USD 70/kg)
Peanut shells (Rp 150/kg)
Leather coffee (Rp 170/kg)
Shoots of sugar cane (Rp 150/kg)
Soybean hay (Rp 125/kg)
Peanut hay (Rp 125/kg

Prosesing (Rp 60/kg)
Packaging (Rp 25/kg)
Rp 400/kg
Rp 550/kg
Rp 600/kg

Complete feed
Complete feed
Complete feed

Figure 2. CF feed production scenarios for the island of Java and Bali

Mulch (5%)
Wafer (exported)

Sugar (52 thousand tons)

Pulp (228 thousand tons)
Drops (29 thousand tons)
Blotong (26 thousand tons)


Figure 3. The potential of biomass and waste in the sugar industry Jatitujuh PG
Sources: DJOENTORO et al. (2004)
Target group of farmers who already have the tools to take advantage of chopper dry sugar cane leaves in the garden PG Jatitujuh appropriate advice and technical guidance of officers PG.Jatitujuh. The sugar cane leaves cut into pieces and packed in sacks to be stored, then can mixed with the starter when farmers feed will give to the animals according to the formula above. The number of leaves of sugarcane and starter feed adjusted by the number of processed livestock and feed requirements for each group.
1.      Technology development of feed for support agribusiness in beef cattle patterns of crop-livestock integration should considering the condition of AEZ and availability of local feed resources local. Choice of technological innovation should be able to integrate the various potentials, opportunities and interests of each region so as to improve competitiveness, sustainable and able to respond market dynamics.
2.      Complete feed Technology (complete feed) that utilize local raw materials specific locations as an alternative to "feeding strategy "has been ready to apply extensively in various conditions of AEZ and area.
3.      Some of the benefits of the development of feed based on local raw materials such as pricing cheaper with quality standards, easily in the collection of raw materials and product distribution, value-added of food processing activities obtained farmers directly, and can embryo growing business agroinput on small and medium scale enterprises in areas of beef cattle production centers.


FARM SERVICE DISTRICT EAST SUMBA. 2003. Study reports the utilization of waste agriculture and agro-industry waste as animal feed raw materials in complete feed
East Sumba. Cooperation Office East Sumba farms with PT Prima Feed Pasuruan.

DJOENTORO, SRIRANTO, R. Hardianto and D.E. Wahyono. 2004. development integration sugarcane, cattle-feed industry in the system sugar production with zero waste in the pattern of PG Jatitujuh. Workshop on development of the area livestock industry with systems integration cane-livestock in order to increase power competitiveness of farm products. Cooperation Directorate General of Livestock Production with PT PG Rajawali II Cirebon.

DIWYANTO K., Didiek E. Wahyono and Ruly Hardianto. 2003. program development
local agribusiness and beef cattle feed cheap to improve market competitiveness (Study
Sumba Ongole cow case in the island of Sumba). Papers Rapim AARD. Research and Development Center Animal Husbandry, Bogor.

Hardianto, R. 2004. Development Potential Study Feed Industry From Local Raw Materials in East Sumba. papers in  National Seminar on Innovation and Technology Institutional Sustainability. Assessment Center Agricultural Technology in East Java, Malang.

Hardianto, R. 2004. System Development Cane-Livestock Integration-Integrated Feed Industry Through the Partnership Program and Community Development PG Jatitujuh environment in Cirebon. Papers in the National Seminar on Technological Innovation and Institutional Sustainability. Hall East Java Agricultural Technology, Malang.

Wahyono, D.E., R. Hardianto, C. Anam, D.B. Wijono, T. Purwanto and M. MALIK. 2003. This strategy of using agricultural wastes and agro-industry for the manufacture of complete feed ruminants. National Seminar Papers Beef Cattle Development, Lembang, Java West. Research and Development Center Livestock, AARD, Bogor.

Wahyono, D.E. 2001. technology assessment complete feed the sheep. Pros. Result Farming Systems Research and Assessment at East Java. Center of Technology Assessment Karangploso Agriculture, Malang.


Does the business conducted by cattle breeders with a tail number of maintenance
still profitable? Should not be a group effort?
Still profitable, provided that the cost of cheap cattle feed. This can be done by
feed created in groups, so cheap.

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